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Monthly Archives: July 2011

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Today is a Twofer Tuesday! Not only do I have some photos of an absolutely stunning bride to show you, but I’ve also uploaded a new info page all about bridal sessions. I’ve been seeing a lot of brides making the same mistakes or asking the same questions, so I decided that it was about […]

Generally when you see a couple this attractive, you just assume they must have some major flaw, some chink in their perfect armor. Maybe they’re snobby, or not very nice, or not very smart, or not very interesting. This couldn’t be further from the truth with Jessica and Charlie. To an outsider, they seem to […]

Emily Porter (now Oberlander!) is a good friend of mine and fellow photographer from little ol’ West Virginia, where she is dominating the wedding photography industry. I was so honored to be able to photograph her bridal session recently at one of my favorite venues, the gorgeous NYLO Hotel in Plano. The NYLO is super […]

Melissa and Philip are pretty much the embodiment of my ideal clients.  They are both gorgeous to look at, incredibly nice, warm, funny, easy to be around, they both have classic and sophisticated style, and most important of all, they are head over heels in love with each other.  There’s a joy that radiates from […]

It’s about that time….. After four years of dating Jason, six years in the wedding photography industry, and twenty-seven years of dreaming about my wedding, the time has finally come. This weekend, it’s my turn to walk down the aisle, look into the eyes of the man I love, and say, “I do.” Words simply […]