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Welcome to Stacy Reeves Photography!

Here you will find the latest on my most recent portrait sessions and weddings, as well as a peek into my personal life.  If you are in need of a photographer or would like to see more of my work, please use the "Portfolio" link above to visit my website, or simply click here.  You can also access a wealth of interesting and useful information using the "Info" link above.  Thanks for visiting--don't forget to leave a comment and let me know you stopped by!

Photobooth, take two!

Jena and Justin got married this past weekend, and it was clear that their top priority was making sure their guests had a good time. And what better way to do that than with their very own PHOTOBOOTH! Jena is a fellow photographer, so she understood the importance of getting photos that truly captured her guests personalities, and a Photobooth is a perfect way to do that.

We put together a slideshow of some of our favorites from the night. You do NOT want to miss this slideshow, it is hilarious!

If you were a guest at the wedding, don’t worry, there are MANY more where that came from. If you didn’t get to sign up on the e-mail list, shoot me an email and I will let you know as soon as the proofs go live!

Keep an eye on the blog for more photos from their wedding.. We have some stunners to show you soon!!

For those of you who don’t know him, Jason is pretty much obsessed with Tiffany & Co.  He talks about it constantly, and is always looking at their stuff.  Well, after church on Sunday, Jason and I decided to swing by Tiffany & Co to do a little ring shopping!! Eeeeeeee!! So exciting!!  I have been wanting to do this for awhile but was waiting to take Jason along, since I know how much it means to him….

Jason and I in the car, on the way there.. I am suuuuper excited, he is not too happy about the prospect of spending money, haha!  And afterwards with the purchase!!
tiffany & co. silver ring blue bag box ribbon

Once I got home you know I just had to take some photos of the lovely packaging..
tiffany & co. silver ring blue bag box ribbon

And finally..

What you have all been waiting for…

The big moment….

My ring!!!!!!!

tiffany & co. silver ring blue bag box ribbon

HAHA, you suckers!  I know what you were thinking of ;) Not quite!!  I have always worn a right hand ring, usually a simple silver band, but all the ones I have had in the past tarnished or broke easily, so I wanted something of a higher quality that would be able to handle all the wear and tear.  Tiffany is known for their amazing quality, so I knew their 1837 ring would be the perfect fit (no pun intended).  Here is another view..

tiffany & co. silver ring blue bag box ribbon

Being a girl, I did of course have to sneak a peak at the engagement rings.. Holy cow!  Now I truly understand why Tiffany rings are so legendary.  Tiffany diamonds have this amazing sparkle and fire that you just don’t see in other diamonds.  I have shot a lot of rings in my career, and while they have all been gorgeous, I have to admit that the Tiffany rings do stand out.  I love seeing a company that cares so much about the quality and craftsmanship of their product, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the typical low-quality mass production that you see all too much these days.

In other news, I have so many great photos from Alex & Nick’s wedding that I can’t wait to share, and I also shot an engagement session for Alex’s cousin, who has the coolest house I have ever been to.  Can’t wait to show those off as well!!  Back to work :)

Jena’s bridals Part 2!

As promised, here is the second half.. I am posting a ton of these because I just couldn’t narrow it down!

This one was shot in a little area behind the fire station.. Although it looks pretty, it was filled with bugs, trash, and lots of sharp plants threatening to tear Jena’s dress, but she was just as excited to shoot there as I was.. I told you she is my muse!

Next we headed out to a random field in the middle of Frisco to take advantage of the gorgeous blue sky (which was the same field Jason and I flew kites at last week!).

There were also a ton of hay bales just laying around, and since Jena is a bit of a country girl, I had to throw her all over them!

Busting out the cowboy hat and boots – I mean, we ARE in Texas, after all ;)

A little fun with the veil.. I am pretty sure Jena is considering not wearing a veil to her wedding (or maybe just a small one) but photos with big long veils are so dramatic and romantic, so I brought along a HUGE one just to use for a few photos.  Brides, if you do a session with me and either don’t have a veil or only have a short one, let me know and I will bring my big cathedral length veil along!

Mmmm… flare!

Since the weather was so perfect, I tried to shoot mostly natural light for Jena’s session, but she said she wanted a few with our trademark dramatic light, so we got a couple of glamorous ones just after sunset.

And last but not least… Remember how I told you Jena has a thing for shoes?  She brought along all her favorite pairs so we could do a cool collage that she is going to make a huge print of for the wedding!  Such a unique idea! 

The gingham pair in the middle of the bottom row is the pair she will be wearing at the wedding.  The decor is going to be all lime green and gingham.. Totally unique, and she has really done a great job of incorporating it all.  I can’t wait until the wedding so I can show off all the fun details!

Jena’s bridals… Part 1!

Jena Rhine is my muse!! Not only is she gorgeous and in great shape, but she is also a fellow photographer, so she completely understands what I am going for when I put her in an unusual pose or in front of a crazy background. She is just as creative and artistic as I am, so when we work together, pretty much nothing is off-limits! She is also a great friend, so we always have a blast together. It’s pretty much the perfect working arrangement!

Jena’s bridals were actually done in two locations, so I am going to split them into two posts, one today and one on Sunday or Monday. Our first location was a SUPER DUPER TOP SECRET, so if any of you out there know Justin, DO NOT mention this to him!! He is not supposed to know until after the ceremony, so if you see him, keep your lips sealed!

What better place to shoot a bridal session for a fireman’s wife than…..

A fire station!!! Funny story.. Jena originally picked this station because it was located close to where I live and it was in a fairly photogenic area. A few weeks later, Justin was transferred to that station – crazy!! So now when he sees these photos, it will be even more of a shock, because she is posing all over the firetruck that he drives on a daily basis. I just love Fate :)

Next we got her all dolled up in her dress (which is so perfect for her, by the way) and shoes.. Jena is a shoe fanatic. Wait until the next post and I will explain this more!

How adorable is her bouquet? I don’t think those are the flowers she is using at the wedding, but it’s still so cute! Very colorful, simple, and elegant, just like Jena

If you like these images you will DIE when you see the photos from our second location.. It is so beautiful, and also completely illegal ;)

Leave a comment and let me know where you think we went next.. I’ll give you one hint: a photo of it was posted in the blog in the past two months!

Jena & Justin

A little back story on Jena.. When I went to A&M, I was an officer in the Photography Club (shocker, I know) and Jena was a member. Naturally, being two of the only girls in the club, we became fast friends, and have remained that way ever since.

Jena and Justin have been dating for a ridiculously long time (since high school!) and when Jena and I took a Marketing class together my last semester, we pretty much spent every single class looking up engagement rings on the internet. I didn’t learn much about marketing, but I still have the huge folder of pictures of engagement rings we found saved on my computer! When Jena finally found the one she wanted (and casually slipped the hints to Justin), we knew it was only a matter of time, and when he surprised her in bed on the morning of July 4th with a gorgeous marquis-cut solitaire, everyone that knew them said “IT’S ABOUT TIME!”

The first thing Jena told me when we met up for this session was “Justin has smiling issues..” I think his smile is pretty awesome! You guys judge for yourself! Here are my faves:

This one is especially for Jena, who has a thing with shoes – wait until I post her bridals in a few days, you will see what I mean!

Here is Jena trying her best to teach Justin how to smile properly :)

The great thing about working with other photographers is that they let me try weird and artsy things on them, like this shot

Another of Jena’s favorites. I can’t have a client in a big ruffley skirt and not make her twirl. I just can’t!

I love the way they are looking at each other in this shot. You can just see the love and happiness written all over their faces. I love my job :)

This is hands down my favorite shot of the day, maybe even one of my favorites ever. Jena says that the little smirk he has in this shot is “SOOOO Justin!”

But this is a pretty close second :)

Okay, I know this is super cheesy.. But I can’t help myself, I love it! I am such a girl…

I just can’t live without my flare

This one was totally Jena’s idea. They are going to use these for their Thank You cards after the wedding. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – my clients are brilliant!

Jena’s bridals are so, so, SO incredible and I can’t wait to show them to you.. Those will be up probably mid-next week.

Jason is off on a fishing trip for the next four days, so I am stuck here at home, sad and lonely. Leave me a comment to cheer me up!

Drew & Sarah

A little bit of background info on Drew and Sarah… They are probably the two coolest, most interesting people I know. I have known Drew since my sophomore year of college, and we became close friends while we were involved in several organizations together at A&M. Drew has traveled quite a bit, doing internships in Singapore and El Salvador, building orphanages in Honduras, helping his twin brother Preston learn an accent in Scotland, and most recently spending a year building the US embassy in Beijing and then traveling around Asia for several months. Also, his senior year of college he bought a house three hours away, renovated it, and then sold it off. While in college!! Who does that?

I always knew that when Drew found the girl he was meant to be with, she would have be to be amazingly interesting and accomplished, and he would fall head over heels instantly and not be able to live without her, and from what I hear that is exactly what happened. Sarah is a modern day midwife, and has traveled the world teaching women how to safely deliver babies. She has seen the birth of over 200 new lives! Sarah’s parents own an orphanage in China, and Sarah was there helping them out with some sort of presentation or meeting that Drew just happened to be attending. Somehow Sarah managed to see through the huge beard that Drew had at the time (haha!), and they both clicked. From the stories that their friends tell me, they began spending every waking moment together, and everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before he popped the question.

As fate would have it, Drew’s family is from Dallas, and Sarah had a friend in Dallas who owns a natural birth clinic, and always wanted Sarah to move to Dallas and work with her. Talk about Fate! I am so happy to have one of my best friends back in town, and I am even more excited that he brought such a wonderful woman back with him that I can now also call my friend :)

After a three hour long missed encounter, Drew, Sarah and I were finally able to get together for a quick engagement session (part 1; another session to follow soon!). Although we intended to just get a few cool shots so they could pick one for their invitation, we ended up doing a full-out session and getting a ton of neat stuff.

Here are my faves!

I discovered this Photoshop effect today on accident, but I love it! I am such a sucker for photos of hands, to me it’s a small gesture that means so much

These guys were troopers for rolling around in the grass with me!

I think these were my favorite photos from the whole shoot.. I just love the looks on Sarah’s face!

Drew and Sarah just being themselves!

Okay so this is called the Running Game, and while Sarah is officially an all-star, Drew… not so much.. But he did ok ;)

Although these two are hilarious and goofy, they are also so affectionate and loving on each other. The emotion between them is palpable, and it’s so beautiful to see.

I just love this little moment

Another great, intense moment.. Don’t you feel like you shouldn’t even be watching this?

I love playgrounds!!

And benches with cool winter trees in the distance!

Doesn’t Sarah have the best smile ever? It’s so open and honest and happy, and extremely contagious!

See??? Awesome smile!

Fun with leaves!! It feels like Autumn in February

Sarah should seriously be a model, she pulls off the sexy face SO well!

I remember Drew mentioning that Sarah spent some time doing midwifery in India, so I added this cool henna pattern as an overlay on the image. A little unusual, but I think it’s kinda neat!

Drew and Sarah, I love both of you guys and I can’t wait for your wedding in a few months!


Have you guys seen Etsy.com? SO CUTE! It’s basically a website where crafty people can sell their creations, or other crafty people can find inspiration for their own projects. They even have a weddings section! You can view it here: http://www.etsy.com/category_top.php?top_tag=weddings

Here are a few of my favorite listings:

Pearl Necklace: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9228698
I have a pretty healthy obsession with pearls (as Jason can attest), so I spend at least a couple of hours a week looking at pearl necklaces online. Generally I don’t like pearl solitaire necklaces, but this is one of the most delicate, lovely necklaces I have ever seen. I would wear this in a heartbeat!

Fascinator: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9246859
I LOVE these things.. If I ever get married, I will FOR SURE be wearing one. Here in America they go for hundreds of dollars ($150 for the little scrap of netting alone), so this one for $47 USD is a great deal!

Invitations: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9229259
I adore looking at invitations, and these fun, modern invites are gorgeous! They also come with Save the Date cards, and a personalized website. Not a bad deal!

Wedding Band: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9127235
I know guys usually like simple wedding bands, so this is perfect! They can slip the heart around to the inside, so it’s like a little secret between husband and wife. Awww :)

Boutonnieres: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=6649346
I love all the elements here, from the feathers to the cool metal holder. Manly, romantic, and fun, all at the same time! Although my favorite bouts will always be these!

If you are a crafty DIY bride, definitely check out Etsy for some awesome ideas!